Events Listing

Mural Tour | 2-9 pm
Be one of the first to see CapU’s new mural series. Join us for the mural dedication ceremony at 2:30 pm in the Arbutus Courtyard, and then enjoy a self-guided tour of the nine murals located across campus.

Birch Festival | 2-9 pm
Celebrate with live music, food trucks and a family-friendly beer garden. Watch for announcement about our headlining act!

Children’s Centre Open House | 2-4 pm
Check out where the next generation of CapU students and future leaders play and learn.

Jazz in the Forest | 2-5 pm
Listen to live music while relaxing in the First Nations Pavilion.

Forest Artistry | 2-5 pm
Enjoy drumming with your children and get creative with clay and materials from the forest.

Film & Animation Open House (BOSA) | 2-6 pm
Enjoy studio demonstrations, costumes, film screenings and a 60s style street party in the back lot.

Experience Fair | 2-6 pm
Check out more than a dozen engaging activities and displays from faculties and programs across CapU.

Unity Project | 2-6 pm
Participate in creating an interactive art structure, UNITY, hosted by the Wong and Trainor Centre for International Experience.

Indigenous Festival | 2-6 pm
Enjoy performances and workshops, including cedar bracelet and drum making. Treat yourself at the Mr. Bannock food truck.

Alumni Music Showcase | 4-5:30 pm
Listen to an impressive line up of Capilano University alumni performing in the Blue Shore Theatre.

Then & Now Gallery | 2-6 pm
Visit our Then & Now gallery and see the Campus Master Plan for 2030.

Alumni Homecoming | 4-7 pm
Meet new and longtime friends in the lounge of the CapU Alumni Association homecoming tent.

Illuminating Stories | 3-4 pm
Join children’s author Deborah Hodge as she shares some stories and insights into the writing process.

Escape Room | 2-5 pm
Race against a deadline to successfully navigate your way out of the escape room in the Library building.

Step Through Time | 2-6 pm
Stroll across campus and stop at each decade for highlights and mini-performances.
What’s Happening
Mural Tour | 2-9 pm
Be one of the first to see CapU’s new mural series. Join us for the mural dedication ceremony at 2:30 pm in the Arbutus Courtyard, and then enjoy a self-guided tour of the nine murals located across campus.
Birch Festival | 2-9 pm
Celebrate with live music, food trucks and a family-friendly beer garden. Watch for announcement about our headlining act!
Children’s Centre Open House | 2-4 pm
Check out where the next generation of CapU students and future leaders play and learn.
Jazz in the Forest | 2-5 pm
Listen to live music while relaxing in the First Nations Pavilion.
Forest Artistry | 2-5 pm
Enjoy drumming with your children and get creative with clay and materials from the forest.
Film & Animation Open House (BOSA) | 2-6 pm
Enjoy studio demonstrations, costumes, film screenings and a 60s style street party in the back lot.
Experience Fair | 2-6 pm
Check out more than a dozen engaging activities and displays from faculties and programs across CapU.
Unity Project | 2-6 pm
Participate in creating an interactive art structure, UNITY, hosted by the Wong and Trainor Centre for International Experience.
Indigenous Festival | 2-6 pm
Enjoy performances and workshops, including cedar bracelet and drum making. Treat yourself at the Mr. Bannock food truck.
Alumni Music Showcase | 4-5:30 pm
Listen to an impressive line up of Capilano University alumni performing in the Blue Shore Theatre.
Then & Now Gallery | 2-6 pm
Visit our Then & Now gallery and see the Campus Master Plan for 2030.
Alumni Homecoming | 4-7 pm
Meet new and longtime friends in the lounge of the CapU Alumni Association homecoming tent.
Illuminating Stories | 3-4 pm
Join children’s author Deborah Hodge as she shares some stories and insights into the writing process.
Escape Room | 2-5 pm
Race against a deadline to successfully navigate your way out of the escape room in the Library building.
Step Through Time | 2-6 pm
Stroll across campus and stop at each decade for highlights and mini-performances.

Experience Fair
2 – 6 p.m.
Centre for Sport and Wellness
Check out more than a dozen engaging displays and activities from faculties and programs across CapU in the Centre for Sport and Wellness.
Experience Fair highlights include:
Faculty of Arts & Sciences
The Art of Questioning
Investigate a table of unknown things (Liberal Studies)
How we think
Use games to explore how we use and store information when we problem solve (Psychology)
Animals and us
Therapy dogs! Play with puppies and learn how human and animal interactions are being incorporated into psychological research and practice (Psychology)
Building the CapU Interpretive Trail
Experience the BioBlitz and identify species that are home to our CapU 50 Trail that will circle the campus. (STEM – Science, Technology Engineering and Math)
Faculty of Education, Health & Human Development
Explore tools
Take a hands on approach to learning and see what tools our educational assistants use in the classroom (Education Assistant Program)
Health care and technology changes
Check out historical health care objects and instruments and see if you can guess what they were used for. (Health Care Assistant Program)
Faculty of Global & Community Studies
Pop-up City Hall
Come meet mayors, test your knowledge of BC municipalities, pick up free stuff and win great prizes! (Local Government Administration Program)
How you stack up
Have your walking gait, body fat percentage and muscle distribution analyzed by Human Kinetics, as part of a comprehensive body composition analysis. Find out how your exercise power output compares to world class athletes. (Human Kinetics Program)
Virtual Reality Magic Hut
Enjoy a virtual reality (VR) storytelling experience that will take you from the Coast Mountains to campus. Arcteryx’s Hut Magic means you are not just watching the action, you are a character in the story enjoying backcountry huts. Adventure Smart will be on hand with backcountry safety tips and trip planning. (Outdoor Recreation Program)
Faculty of Business & Professional Studies
Showcasing spectacular alumni
The School of Business is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Bachelor of Business Degree and will profile five spectacular alumni and the work they are doing. (School of Business)
Cover Shot
Have you ever wanted to see your face on the cover of a magazine! Now you can at the School of Communication’s station (School of Communication)
Faculty of Fine & Applied Arts
Sing your heart out
Check out the exciting things that happening in the Theatre Department: films, plays, musicals of every type will be on display. Sing along to some Broadway tunes. (Acting for Stage and Screen/ Musical Theatre)
Pathway to Creativity
Learn the process of reaching a solution for a design, making visual the problems-solving, ideation, refinement process in visual communication and provide a tactile result. (IDEA)
Showcased outside Experience Fair
Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts
Bosa open house
Check out the programs and talent at the Film & Animation Open House (School of Motion Picture Arts)
Performances across campus
Enjoy performances from current students and graduates at various campus locations throughout CapFest, including onstage in the BlueShore Centre for the Performing Arts, the Birch Festival and “Stroll Through the Decades” stops. (School of Performing Arts)
Faculty of Education, Health and Human Development
Forest fun and artistry
Use things found in the forest to explore sounds and rhythms alongside the Fir building (Early Childhood Care and Education)
Birch Festival Line Up
The Man About Town (2 p.m.)
Keith Bennett (2:45 p.m.)
Jazz Faculty Band (3:30 p.m.)
Antonio Larosa (4:15 p.m.)
Company B Jazz Band (5 p.m.)
The Phonix (5:45 p.m.)
Side One (6:30 p.m.)
Five Alarm Funk (7:15 p.m.)
Hey Ocean! (8 p.m.)
Bucha Brew
Dee’s Donuts
Didi’s Greek
Gypsy Trunk
Melt City
Mr. Bannock
Reel Mac and
Roaming Dragon
Roasted Revolution
Super Thai Food
Tin Lizzy Concessions
Vij’s Railway Express

Beer Garden
Licensed and family-friendly beer garden, brought to you by
Deep Cove Brewers and Distillers and Two Lions Public House
CapFest Stories
Costume and identity
As a fashion historian, Ivan Sayers thinks as much about the time and place of a garment’s origins as he does the clothing itself.
CapU lights up the night
The colourful light show inspired by the University’s brand palette started with a bang, then built to a sparkling finale.
Escape at CapFest
Racing against a deadline in an escape room to problem-solve sounds like a situation to be avoided to some. For others, joining forces with friends to achieve a common goal sounds like fun.
Mr. Bannock: something good, something great
Paul Natrall’s uncle was a hunter. Natrall grew up eating venison burgers with spaghetti and moose stew with chow mein.
Five Alarm fun at CapFest
How do you do that for so long and not fall over? is the question members of Five Alarm Funk typically face following one of their signature high-energy shows.